Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Strawberry Fields

In the movie, "Across the Universe," many bold statements are made through visual symbolism. The main themes throughout the clip that we watches were the Vietnam War, art, and the TV. The main character is an artist and seems to be having trouble drawing his sketches. His girlfriend interrupts him bringing in a TV since the War is now televised. He goes into the other room and begins using strawberries to symbolize his emotions about the war.

Strawberries are red and when squeezed or punctured they spew red juice, which can look similar to blood. The main character uses this to show how destructive the war has been in his personal life. He seems to be very angry and sad as he throws objects at the strawberries making them burst. This symbolizes the blood shed in the war and the mass killing that is taking place overseas. The song lyrics and connected to his art because he is singing about strawberry fields and that he is taking you there. These fields symbolize the war. All the death that is taking place and how it is now incorporated into their everyday lives through the TV. There is no way to escape the violence. Also, through the clip all of the important symbolze are red, the strawberries, and the blood shed. Red is a prominate color that symbolizes anger, fear, and death.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning

So today I procrastinated! Instead of writing my paper I decided to clean my room. Not just straighten up but sanitze everything! I pulled everything off of my shelves and swiffered and then cloroxed. I then proceeded to vacume the entire room, even under the rugs, and windexed the mirrors and window! The desk was next. I organized everything, filled papers, threw away, and straightened everything. Needless to say, I did not get much school work done today, but I did get a head start on my spring cleaning.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Academic Integrity Pledge

I think that having us write our own academic integrity pledge was a great idea. It reminded us, as students of Clemson University, of the reason of why we are here, to expand our knowledge. All of our professors tell us that we should read the the academic intregrity policy, but we never do. This made us really analyze the policy and think about what we believe as students. Cheating is just a bad idea, not for the reason of getting caught, but for the sole reason that we are not learning. This is the reason why we pay thousands of dollars each year to be here, to better preare ourselves for the real world. Overall I think that that writting out own academic integrity pledge was a great idea.